Monday, November 16, 2009

How do you know when you are bored with Laos…….?

Simple answer, when you are no longer surprised by what you see being carried on a 125 cc motorcycle. I know this is a well trodden groove and I have posted a number pix on this blog, and there are websites dedicated to this subject, I have seen some good ones, unfortunately they are usually in passing so not having time to get the camera out and take a snap. I have not seen a six yet but I have seen a couple of fives. The four and a dog was a good one, only by the size of the dog, a small yappie dog is a doddle, you just stick it in the basket, this one was the size of a golden retriever happily sitting on the knee of child No. 1 who in turn was sitting on the knee of dad, who was in some sort of semi control of the vehicle ( notably the only one wearing a helmet ). Mother on the pillion and child No. 2 riding shot gun. The fathers view being completely obscured by the dogs head with its tongue lolling out the side of its mouth completely enjoying the ride. The best one yet was when I was on the way to the LIRE office for Friday drinks. Just riding behind a single rider with a rucksack, until I noticed a couple of small legs jutting out the bottom of the rucksack. Sure enough as I pulled alongside there was a small child (about a year old) fast asleep in the rucksack and two holes cut in the bottom to let his legs out.
This is a short blog this time and a few pix, I have been out of the loop for about a week due to a. lot of things going on, b. up in the Jungle ( Vanviene ) not really jungle but internet access is a little vague c. general internet problems.
I hope to knock out a few blogs this week as I have had some good wins in the last week so there’s loads of pictures and video’s once I have pulled them into some sort of order.

1. I simply have no idea

2. Laos national opera house - Sydney eat your heart out

3. Ridiculous things carried on a motorbike
not even in the top 10

4. Baci @ LIRE office 1

5. Baci @ LIRE office 2

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